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Hi there! I am a yoga teacher currently based in Istanbul. I was always interested in the disciplines focusing on the mind and body interaction. During my university education, I was a member of the ODTÜ Dance Theatre Group. I fell in love with yoga at first sight in 2005 and have been a yoga fan since then.
I was so lucky to keep practicing with great experts including Ken the Rolfer, Mey Elbi, Urun Kurtic, Sandrine Kamhi and Alexis Kiresepi. In 2012 I completed the Yoga Alliance Registered 200 Hours Vinyasa Majoring in Yoga Program with Alexis Kiresepi, which I define as the turning point in my yoga journey. I have attended workshops of Chuck Miller, Cyndi Lee, Zeynep Aksoy, Hamish Hendry and Hart Lazer.
The Yoga Alliance Registered 150 Hours Advanced Degree in Majoring in Yoga Program with Mey Elbi which I completed in 2013 has brought a new dimension to my vinyasa flows focusing on the incorporation of breath with movement. I completed the kid's yoga and yOgaMini Project Program with Dr.Neslihan İskit and Deniz Yılmaz in March 2013, Art of Breathing Workshop with Swami Jyotirmayah in September 2012, Majoring in Family Constellation Level 1 with Svagito Liebermeister in December 2012 and 100 hrs Yoga Alliance Registered 'Safety in Yoga’ Majoring Program with Hart Lazer in March 2014. I had the chance to work Hart Lazer to explore the effects of trauma in the body thanks to Yoga Therapy 360° programme I completed in February 2015. In 2015 I completed KRI Certified Level 1 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation TT 220 Hours by ANS & AAA. In March 2016, I participated in a yoga and meditation retreat with Ramanand Patel and Hart Lazer in Cambodia. In June 2017 I stayed a while in Sivananda Ashram, located in Kerala, India. Still I am working with Sarah Zorica Mitic to be a certified TRE (Trauma and stress release) provider. I joined Shadow Yoga Preparation Course with Defne Suman 5-6 & 12-13 October 2019, Advayta Bomonti. I became certified as Level 1 YOGA Coaching Assistant by HİS Federation (Turkish Sport For All Federation) in February 2020 at Advayta Bomonti, İSTANBUL. I participated in introduction to meditation workshop with Uma at YogaŞala Online 14-Hour Workshop in December 2020. I joined many online trainings during the pandemic and Leslie Kaminoff - Pelvic floor awareness and release techniques for breath and postural support with Keen on Yoga London (Jan 31, 2021) was amongst many. In February 2022, I joined Surya Namaskara - Bandha - Breath - Focus- Meditation workshop with Eric Powell. I am on and off ashtanga pracititoner and Dylan Bernstein inpired me with his "Ashtanga Led Primary and Discussion" & "How Ashtanga Works" workshops at Nişantaşi YogaŞala Studio - İstanbul on 29 April 2023. And having the chance to taste "Somatic Dialogue" by Berrak Yedek at VadiManasır, Eski Orhanlı Köyü, Seferihisar on 5-9 May 2023, not only softened my body, but also my heart.
I am also very much interested in theoretical aspects of the body and mind and I joined NeuroPhilosophy Psychology Symposium by Minerva Academy via ZOOM in May 2021. In June 2021, I completed Skinner Releasing Teknik (SRT) 1-3 at VadiManaSır with Bahar Vidinlioğlu. In November 2021 I joined Feldenkreis workshop with Sabine Dahrendorf. I am a big fan of Mikusano Mitakara/Three Treasures and trying to join the Mitakara gatherings at ÇATI – Contemporary Dance Artists Association.
I adore the sweetness that yoga brings to my breath and to my life, through the observation of true self beyond judgement in the mirror of the body. That’s why I am so motivated to spread the light of this practice to celebrate the joy of life. I practice Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga and enjoy the flow both on the mat and in life…
Please check the schedule for my kundalini yoga ve vinyasa yoga classes in istanbul yogaşala. You can contact me directly for private and group yoga sessions for English Yoga Classes in Istanbul. Vinyasa yoga, kundalini yoga, meditation, reiki and TRE (trauma and stress release) exercises for health and wellness of the mind and body are provided for all levels of practitioners.
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